(Math 25:14-30)
Talent, as referred to in the Bible, was the currency used when Jesus made that parable. (One talent was worth 6000 denars. It’s about 38 kilograms of silver. It would be worth $28000 today. In Jesus’ times, 1 dinar was a typical day’s pay for a simple worker.)
The master gave to each of his servants according to their ability: The servant who had received 5,000 coins went at once and invested his money and earned another 5,000. (To those who have, more will be given)
The disdained servant buried his one thousand coins instead of putting them to use, earning him the title of unfaithful servant. (Even the little he had was taken away from him)
In the parable of the talents, Jesus teaches us financial management and economic responsibilities
Bury can be to remove from sight or about, but it can still bring to limelight, what one thinks can not be seen again or what one thinks can not be remembered again can still resurfaced and becomes a very big topic