Daily Tips


“WITH ALL YOUR WISDOM, PURCHASE UNDERSTANDING(Prov 4:7, James 3:13) “Wisdom is more than knowledge; it’s living a life that reflects God’s love, grace, and good judgment. Wisdom becomes profitable when applied to overcome challenges, circumstances, and daily situations. Without understanding, wisdom remains unfruitful. (Having sense knowledge or common wisdom is not enough; we need understanding […]

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“CULTIVATING FAITH AND FOCUS( Matthew 6:33) In our zeal to achieve, we often spread ourselves too thin, trying to do too much, and ending up feeling overwhelmed and confused. (Did I just speak to your situation?) But the key to success lies not in doing more, but in doing less (less of the good things,

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“The Spirit of Forgiveness”(Matth 2:18, Matth 5:38-42) Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself continually to protect your sanity. It is an act of mercy and kindness towards yourself and the offender. While emphasising the importance of forgiveness, Jesus said; I tell you, do not forgive seven times, but seventy times seven.” Forgiveness is

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THE POWER OF SPOKEN WORDS(Matth 12:37, Prov18:21) Your words reflect the state of your spirit and shape your destiny. By your words, you will either be justified or condemned (Matthew 12:37). The tongue has the power to speak life or death (Consider the weight of your words. Are they infusing life or draining it from

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“LIVE TODAY AS IF TOMORROW WILL NOT COME” (James 4:13-14) Start each day with a calm mind, a healthy body, and a spirit full of energy. (Let go of your burdens and wake up early to meditate on your plans and pray in silence.) Make every new day a day of purpose, joy, and gratitude.

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(Exodus 15:26, Psalm 103:3) We are incomplete without God’s healing intervention. Our body, soul, and spirit are burdened with challenges, trials, and tribulations. Out of compassion, the Lord offers His healing hands to mankind, restoring our wholeness and well-being. (“He himself bore our infirmities and carried our diseases”) (Matthew 8:17), God understands our struggles and


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