(Psalm 91:7, Psalm 37:25)
The current raging Wars and global Chaos overflowing into 2025 will not affect you. (A thousand shall fall by your side, but none shall …)
The economic challenges may become worse but do not be afraid. (Not one of my seeds shall sit on the sidewalk and beg for bread)
Permit me to propose the following “New Year Resolution 2025”
Reduce your expectations from others
Focus on your personal evolution through spiritual growth
Avoid every form of argument, especially Political and religious arguments, unless you have decided to join politics or become a religious fanatic.
Listen more than you talk. That is why you have two ears and one mouth
As far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. It is good for your spiritual evolution.
Last but not least, love your body. Eat less, drink more water, and stay in good health. This is the crux of long life.