(Mark 6:34)
“When Jesus came out and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.
So he began teaching them many things.”He became their shepherd, fed them physically and spiritually and gave them rest
The grace, the prodigal son had was being seen first by his father who embraced him with compassion without robbing his past sins and weaknesses on his face.
Imagine what would have happened if he had met his brother first? His brother would have washed him down with abuses, reminded him of his past woes, wasteful lifestyle and questioned what he had come home to do?
How do you see a lost friend? With compassion and kindness, or with judgement and criticism?
It depends on what made him got lost,but what ever ,I will welcome him or her first ,then know how to relate with the person whether close or from far,wisdom is profitable to direct,
Good morning SIR
Time shall tell how the friend will be accepted.