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(Matth 5:14)

As the Bible
says, “All the world is a stage” (Matthew 5:14, referencing Psalm 24:1, and also similar to Shakespeare’s “All the world’s a stage” in his novel “As You Like It”).

We journey through life’s various stages, crawling, walking, and running, with God and the forces of darkness watching and monitoring our every move.

Each time we fall, we have a choice: to remain down, depressed, and feeling oppressed, or to rise again.

When we give up, the forces of darkness rejoice, having claimed another soul. But when we persistently strive to overcome, divine help arrives, strengthening our faith until we achieve the impossible.

In this grand drama, we are the protagonists, and our choices determine the outcome. Should we let adversity defeat us, or should we rise, fueled by faith and determination?

The stage is set; the choice is ours.


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1 thought on “LIFE IS A STAGE”

  1. Pst Ojeile Ifeanyi Vivian

    Life is from one stage to another stage, there is time for everything under heaven Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 . Again, when we fall, we should strive to rise up. In this world there is tribulations, adversity, temptations etc, but we must choose to overcome them all because the word of God have told us that many are the afflictions of the righteous but God will deliver us from them all., just believe the word of God and His promises, OBE it , Do it and Act on it . All we need is faith and we will overcome remain blessed

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